Wellness massage focuses on treating and supporting all parts of the recipient. It is a massage that looks at the person as a whole. If one element of our being is imbalanced, then the others will be affected negatively. Commonly used to relax and rejuvenate tired and sore muscles but it is also an effective treatment for a variety of other complaints including anxiety, depression, pregnancy discomfort, chronic fatigue, repetitive strain injuries, and more.
Therapeutic massage focuses on treating a specific injury or ailment by mobilizing soft tissue to restore normal functional use. Commonly used to achieve a structural change or therapeutic benefit in the body. It can decrease muscle resting tension, increase range of motion, and decrease pain.
Massage Therapy
30 Minutes $75 + HST = $84.75
60 Minutes $110 + HST = $124.30
90 Minutes $165 + HST = $186.45
120 Minutes $220 + HST = $248.60
Mobile Massage Therapy
60 Minutes $163.72 + HST = $185
90 Minutes $243.36 + HST = $275
Mobile Massage Therapy has a minimum 3 hour booking.
Therapeutic massage focuses on treating a specific injury or ailment by mobilizing soft tissue to restore normal functional use. Commonly used to achieve a structural change or therapeutic benefit in the body. It can decrease muscle resting tension, increase range of motion, and decrease pain.